name="KODI v18 Leia Build - Most Recent Build" version="1.0.6" url="" gui="http://" kodi="18.1" theme="http://" icon="" fanart="" preview="http://" adult="no" description="Our latest updated CABLE[B]BEATERS[/B]TV build for KODI v18 Leia. name="KODI v17 Krypton Build - Latest for Minix" version="4.6.6" url="" gui="http://" kodi="17.6" theme="http://" icon="" fanart="" preview="http://" adult="no" description="Our latest updated CABLE[B]BEATERS[/B]TV build for KODI v17 Krypton. This will be the latest build available for those using a CABLE[B]BEATERS[/B]TV Minix box. If you are still using this box we recommend you get in touch with us for an upgrade.. we will give a discount to all past Minix customers to get current. Call or text (702)481-4723." name="KODI v14 Helix Build - Latest for Ouya" version="2.9.2-final" url="" gui="http://" kodi="14.2" theme="http://" icon="" fanart="" preview="http://" adult="no" description="Our latest updated CABLE[B]BEATERS[/B]TV build for KODI v14 Helix. This will be the final build available for those using a CABLE[B]BEATERS[/B]TV Ouya box. If you are still using this box we recommend you get in touch with us for an upgrade.. we will give a discount to all past ouya customers to get current. Call or text (702)481-4723." name="KODI v17 Krypton Build - Latest for Minix" version="4.6.6" url="" gui="http://" kodi="17.6" theme="http://" icon="" fanart="" preview="http://" adult="no" description="Our latest updated CABLE[B]BEATERS[/B]TV build for KODI v17 Krypton. This will be the latest build available for those using a CABLE[B]BEATERS[/B]TV Minix box. If you are still using this box we recommend you get in touch with us for an upgrade.. we will give a discount to all past Minix customers to get current. Call or text (702)481-4723."