CURRENT STATUS: [COLOR springgreen]Good[/COLOR] [COLOR red]Sports Hub by Muad'Dib Current Version 0.91[/COLOR] Status: Archives: [COLOR lime]Good[/COLOR] Highlights: [COLOR lime]Good[/COLOR] Reddit Streams: [COLOR yellow]Listings Show - Streams not yet active[/COLOR] [COLOR red]-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[/COLOR] [B][COLOR red]2017/12/29[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR lime]ver 0.91[/COLOR] - Team Stats and Standings added to the main menu for all 4 pro sports. [B][COLOR red]2017/12/25[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR lime]ver 0.90[/COLOR] - Code Cleanup and organization - Added LiveTV.SX Scraper for NHL, NFL, and NBA Archives (Shows "Current Year") - Adjustment to debug logging [B][COLOR red]2017/12/11[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR lime]ver 0.89[/COLOR] - Updated main Icon for name change - Supplied by an extremely talented artist [B][COLOR red]2017/12/09[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR lime]ver 0.88[/COLOR] - Updated json unpacker - Updated CloudFare anti-bot scraper - Updated main Icon for name change - Supplied by an extremely talented artist [B][COLOR red]2017/12/08[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR lime]Pro Sport name changed to Sports Hub[/COLOR] [COLOR lime]ver 0.87[/COLOR] - Icon updates finally done, thanks to Loose Cannon - If not showing up, clear thumbnails and restart Kodi - PRAW base code updated for REDDIT libs - Added Highlights menu for all 4 sports - Links directly to official YouTube channels - Added LiveResolver as required dependency - Now reading into m3u8 to get .ts for live streams, but still not quite there. Continuing to troubleshoot live feeds - Added eight new sources for allowed hosts to streams list (for when this is active and working) - Added News and Updates main menu item =