Credits to all developers that some of the code came from

Surfacingx     :  Creator of the Wizard

][NT3L][G3NC][ :  For APK Install code and Force Close Fix    :  Scrollbar Images and Source for dependencies
Kodi Team      :  Kodi Log Uploader(Added support for forks and email log url)
Sean Poyser    :  YouTube module
EchoCoder      :  Help with Addons27.db
Barroni        :  Artwork for Advanced Settings Auto Configurator
WhufcLee       :  Various coding help
OpenEleq       :  Various coding help
Midraal        :  Various coding help 
Fire TV Guru   :  Fixed Speed Test, Made Quick Advanced Settings, IP Tools, Retro Rom Tools, 18Zip Fix and Back up Fix
Drinfernoo     :  Trakt, Debrid, Login Menu Edits

Special Thanks to the NaN Team for giving me a home when i was first starting out coding python and helping me out along the way.

This wizard wouldn't be no where near as good as it is today if it wasnt for them.